


I was once told to be a Facebook addict.  Back then I denied this accusation.  But now I have to admit that it did have a great influence on me and my life.  I thought my motivation was justifiable .  I just wanted to share my thoughts with my friends, to keep the connection.  Then something happened and broke this habit of mine.  And I realized that what I thought okay was totally unnecessary.  It's really nice to have friends who care about your feelings and show their concerns.  Those friends stick to you through thick and thin, with or without Facebook.  Of course I still have a facebook account, but now I limit it to only a certain number of friends.  They are people I feel comfortable talking to.    People who don't judge me merely by my words  becasue they know the real me.  People who give me great advice when I face problems.  Who support me when I feel lost and depressed.  It's like my blogging as well.  Through my writing, I reorganize my ideas and try to express myself more clearly.  Sometimes people agree with me, sometimes they correct my negative thoughts.  I like this way of communication.  Let people who care voice out their thinkings.  They might bring along inspiration and enlightment.  Through others' minds I can visualize a even bigger world.  Through their eyes I see my blind spots.  But in the end, everything has its upside and downside.  Now I understand the importance of using these means more wisely. No, I refuse to be a facebook addict.  But I am definitely addicted to warm friendship.  I am addicted to love and humanity.  Facebook and blog are tools, not drugs!!!  They are outlets for my emotions and my notions.  They are not the sources of my happiness; my family, my friends and my future Liebling are!  

所以寫網誌和寫日記的差別在於,除了抒發心情,還可以多聽聽別人的看法。因為本人超級固執,容易活在自己的世界,有的時候需要有不同的聲音來顛覆自己也許不是那麼正確的想法。Facebook也好,部落格也好,只是一種管道,適度的讓別人認識你,也許可以幫助自己更瞭解自己。(P.S. 還有練習寫作也是不錯的附加價值....啦!)

I want to thank my friend, Christine, for the great talk this morning.  I love my friends!!!


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