
Unser Gott ist unendlich gut. Darum wollen auch wir nicht am Lob sparen für seinen reichen Segen.  As a Christian, I often pray to God, especially when I feel desperate and in need.  Does God always answer my prayers?  Yes!  But sometimes His answers come later than I expect and sometimes they really surprise me.  I stumble and fail from time to time throughout my daily life but God has never forsaken me, nor has He disappointed me.  I don't choose to lead a bittersweet life, it is the way it is.  Besides, losing a close friend can be a really unpleasant experience, so please forgive me for being a little bit sad about it.  I've to admit that I'm not always in my best mood, I have so many flaws and there is still so much to learn in pursuit of God's path, and no matter what difficulties lie ahead, I am certain that God will always keep me safe and He only wants what's best for me.  Not only should I turn to Him when I feel hopeless, but also when I feel elated because either way, I am blessed by His grace.  Here are some quotes selected from RBC Ministries' German website (they come in many different languages) for my German study today.


螢幕快照 2012-11-24 下午5.33.00überrascht-von-gott-2/

Gottes Nein muss unseren Glauben nicht erschüttern, wenn wir in seiner Liebe gegründet sind. (God’s no doesn’t need to shake our faith when we’re grounded.)

Paulus sagt in Epheser 3, dass Menschen, die Jesu Liebe kennen (V.16-17), gewiss sein können, dass Gott einen guten Grund hat, wenn er aus Liebe nein sagt. (In Ephesians 3, Paul understood that those who know the love of Christ intimately (vv.16-17) can trust God to have a loving reason for saying no.)

Gott ist größer als unsere Probleme. Unser liebender Vater gebrauchte liebevolle Freunde, um uns mehr zu geben als das, worum wir gebeten hatten.  Doch egal, ob Gott uns mehr gibt, als wir uns vorgestellt, oder weniger, als wir gewünscht haben, wir können darauf vertrauen, dass seine Pläne viel besser sind als unsere.  (God is bigger than any issue we face. Our loving Father used loving friends to give more than we asked.  Whether God gives us more than we imagined or far less than we desired, we can trust that His plans are much better than ours.) 

[小豆生字簿] Vokabeln

★ überraschen - (v) to surprise

★ erschüttern -(v) shatter

★ gewiss - (a) certain, sure

★ vorstellen - (v) to move forward, to present, to show

★ vertrauen - (v) jdm/einer Sache vertrauen - to have trust in sth/sb

★ auf jdn/etw vertrauen - to trust in sth/sb

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